Wednesday 16 January 2008

The Giraffe and Pelly and Me

There was a boy called Billy,he saw a sweet shop but the next day it changed into a window company.In the company there was a monkey,pelly and a giraffe.They were called the ladderless window cleaning company. One day a duke's chowfer went to the window cleaning company and said " My duke needs a window cleaning company to clean his windows he has not cleaned his windows for fourty years!!". So off they went to the dukes house.The dukes house looked like Buckinghum Palace.
The giraffe had a magical power with her neck that grew lomnger and longer.The pelicans job was the bucket and the monkey was the cleaner.They started work.The giraffe saw a burgular in the palace stealing the jewels.The pelican caught the burgular inside his beak.The duke said to the giraffe , pelican and monkey "as a reward gifarre can eat the pink purple tree, mokey can have the walnut tree and pelican can have salmon from the river, as for you Billy you can have what ever wish you want." Billy decided to build back the old sweet shop.

I like Roald Dahl imagination in the story. Roald Dahl had good thinking about the animals that he chose in the story.He was thinking about what animal could be a ladder so he chose a giraffe.He wanted a animal that could be a good bucket so he chose a pelican because it has a big beak.
It would be fun to be Billy because i could have a ride in a pelicans beak and go on a giraafes back.
My favorite character is monkey becease he sings funny songs.


Us Lot said...

Munnaan,you have made a butiful story, and i hope that you keep working like this,and be a good boy. Do you remember bs bm kissing oh and brounies HEEEEEE!

from sana xxx

Us Lot said...

Munnaan,you have worked extriymly hard.

from Saif

Us Lot said...

to munnaan
i love all your storys
love it
hope you loved your holidays

from ameera