Wednesday, 15 September 2010

A Mini Monster Garden.

Try this at home.
Get some late autumn/winter flowering plants from our local home centres, B and Q sell 12 to 24 plants from around three to five pounds, pot them and place the out on a patio, corner of the garden or a window box.Then, create some small mini monsters from salt dough and buttons. To create the monsters, add into a bowl one cup of table salt, one cup of water, half a table spoon of lemon juice, some food colouring and two cups of flour. Mix well, add additional flour if the mixture is to wet and you will soon have some salt dough ready to model with. Model the dough into a monster shape and then add buttons for eyes and mouth.
Click on our images to view the mini monsters and gardens our children have made this week.
If you do make some mini monster gardens, take some digital photos and send them to use n school and we can publish them on this site.

Posted via email from geariesyear1's posterous

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